Saturday, 5 December 2015

Late convention talk...

Wow I see now that I never mention that I went to Malmö Comic con or Ichicon this year.
I think Malmö Comic con was hinted in some post.
Better late then never right?
I dont have so many photos of both of the event so be prepared for wall of text.
First a little bit talk about Malmö Comic con.

It was two day event and I went there with a friend of mine and my friends friends that lives in malmö.

It was the first comic con in malmö also kind of fun too see another world so too say.

As it was some good stuff and some bad stuff with it.
I really like the time that it was open between 10-19 the first day it was good and for me not a problem I like it. A convention in sweden are open most of the time all the time.
Also if I go again I would just go one day i feel like i saw everything the first day and that was fine and good with me.
And I did have fun it was really nice and a good brake for me in my boring life.

Both of the days we cosplay form Homestuck I did Aradia first day and Gazee last day.

Also as Gamzee I scared someone XD
That was really fun and just som random.

The girl that I scared probably don't think I saw her on the corner of my eyes, I was sitting down and play a game on my 3ds. But I did saw her and turn my head to ask if she wanted something. But she got scared and she did screams. I just start laughing I wish this was film really would be fun too see.
I was lovely and fun.

Also I scared a little girl in the restroom more or less she did not scream or so, more just push herself at the wall to get too her mom and a way form me. That was also as i cosplay Gamzee.
Her I could understand she is about 4-6 years old.
Also people at the mall was awesome get some compliments from strangers and question is always fun in my opinion.

There was some photos taken by other people on us and we met another cute Rose cosplayer from Homestuck so it was really fun to hang out with her.

This is the only slefi i took and it was as Gamzee.

On to Ichicon
Ichicon was not plan convention for me to go to.
One of the reason is I was supposed to work that weekend but it got cancel the event and I was free. No work yay but I was sad for the work in a way.
But on this convention I decide to revamp my Amimon cosplay abit.
Too make a new jacket and new pants and finish off my little stuffed plush of Behemoth.
And I did it in time also =D
There is Behemoth he can sit on the shoulder on him self and he is a cutie.
I have a form of a hair clip under him so that is why he can sit there.

 Also the whole new coat i love this one so much adn so mush better >w< <3
It is better fabric almost same pattern need to make new ones for the coat and pants.
I will do some small stuff on the pants that I can't find a photo off right now.
Ichicon was small and nice also i got time to sell some stuff and then I got too talk to some con friend that i havent seen for years and some that I seem not have time too on the bigger events they are on or too dare for some strange reason. XD
Jsut the normal stuff happend and i was glad i went there.

I did enter the cosplay competition and got a price as Amaimon that was so nice and I did not see that really coming.

So that was the little update that whent missing.
I hope for next year I will right more here on this blog it may not be so.
My work takes alots of my time and weekeds sadly but I still love it.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Some random Aradia photos

Photos I have nothing to say really more the try do my best to do the makeup for her.
Also I just wanted to play a bit with some of my clothing too for fun =D
Anyway here are some new photos for the fun off it and nothing serious stuff.
Also I wanted to see if the ear tips I got today would fit for her and any homestuck troll.
I think they look cute and do fit =D

yay I know the same face and same angel it annoys me but well sometime that happens XD
Also you can see this one more true to her clothing.

And the last one that has nothing to do with homestuck but i think i would go well here anyway.
My butler thing stuff i don´t know.
 Bye for now <3


Friday, 10 July 2015

Polymorph Teeth Walkthrough

So I decided too see if I can make some sort of 
tutorial/walkthrough on Polymorph (Friendly Plastic) Teeth.
I did some yesterday and today for this almost tutorial.
There are some method out there like using fake nails for teeth and so on mine Is all about the Polymorph and some glue, hot water and a spoon more or less. 
Also your own teeth of course.
And I got the Polymorph from
As you can see in the link it Uk based site.

First off have a space too be. 
For me it is in my kitchen and with the stove and you need hot water, 
for this and spoon and of course the Polymorph the bag with the white small round plastic balls.
Warm the water up not too hot just so you can handle it and make the white ball turn clear.
Drop some off the in the hot water.
This is to make the dental pint of your teeth more or less.

When they turn clear they are ready to work with and form.
So scoop the up and form them.

I form and flatten the plastic out making as thin as I can.
I want it thins so I can see my own teeths print to later see were I should put my fake teeth.
Put it to you teeth over or under does not matter.
For this one I do the upper part.
If it too much you can trim them later on better too much then to little.
Let the sit there till the cool done and are hard enough to take out and work with.
 After it cool done too this them them and then start with the teeth to put on too them.
You may not see it will but as you may can see the print there of mine teeth.
It is good to study your own teeth and follow them around them when you make the pointy teeth.

I just very little just five too seven round balls depending on the shape of the teeth.
More for the longer teeth and the shorter is just five.
That what I like and you can do as you wish. Dont make the teeth too long if you do them long try to form the after you under teeth so they dont poke you in you own jaw.
Make a drop shape ball when it is clear.

Put it on were you see your original teeth print area and follow them.
 Make some more

And then you are finished.
These one are badly made not as in center as they should be so they are a bit off center.
I don't care it was for show how I make mine purpose anyway.
So that is why you good too see you own teeth print.

On the side that looks good.
If i do not look goo or as you wish you could always re do it and reheat the Polymorph.
And start over as many time you wish or so they say.
And on me I don't know if you see it but they are not center and really a bit off.
But still they work.
If a tooth would fall use some glue and then glue them on.
I did use nail glue, don't know if it is so smart really but I am taking the risk.
Don't see that you should do it but hey I will not stop you but look it up before anything.
These are the first one or the first one finish, that I did not drop in the hot water over and over.
I like them better But having the under and over teeth is a bit odd and I can't close my mouth fully. But for photos and stuff like it it is good.
If I only use the over teeth I can close my mouth better.
So yay pointy teeth for the win, it take some time to make them but still so much fun and I am happy at the result and what i learn for it.
It was hell lots of easier than the dental direction Grell teeth I have and still cant fix them on me XD
Also way cheaper too.
Sorry for the badly written thing here but I did my best =D

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Makeup test for Aradia and Gamzee

For Aradia and Gamzee from Homestuck
Just fast and for fun and test the makeup
What in use for Aradia
Snazaroo Light Grey and
Viva la Diva Lipstick color Vampire red.
A red lip liner as eyeliner.
So I need to get better stuff, like real eyeliner that is red and a mascara that is red.
But this was a test for fun so not that good or planed.
Also darn so weird it is cosplaying girls, I don't recognize myself most of the times when I do XD
Also a bit outside my comfort zone but still fun non less.

 The on to Gamzee the beloved clown XD
Well on him I use.
Snazaroo white
Snazaroo Dark Grey
Snazaroo Light Grey
The grey colours I can´t see much of colour different in them to be true feels like I am blind in a way XD
Also a steel grey eyeliner was in use.
The white colour is and always hans been a pain in the ass to put on for me at least.
But the is was just a test for now.
Also I did not find the Gamzee´s t-shirt I have XD

Feels better to cosplay boys then girls I don't know why.
I may end up doing more Homestuck it is fun and I love it.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Horns :o)

Or so more horns from Homestuck did come my way and I love making them.
Also the finished product for Aradia's horns with paint.
 The look good with wig on they are not exactly the same, but still good for use.
Also not the wig I will be using XD
But good for a quick test run with a black wig too see how it works.

 And the honking clown one's horns, (love that guy >w< <3)
The are not exactly the same, which irritates me, and I need to glue them a bit to sit better.
But they work in a way and they are light on the head and tall.
Good that I am somewhere short really XD
Also I will redo them later on not now, but later.

Also here is them unpainted and you can see that they are not symetrical like I want them to be.
But the work magic anyway so it is a FuCkInG mIrAcLe .
Yay that was all for now :o) HoNk

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Five years later...

or less or more, sens she wrote something on this blog.
But now she dose what a wierd girl.

So a friend of mine, and my older brother,
 well he told me about the webcomic first, but is not for now I got in too it. 
It is non other then
the one and only 
MS Paint Adventures/Homestuck 
(yes that one you know it I know you do)

Well I do not read it yet per say but still, youtube do exist and it is awesome, as hell to listen. 
To people do a dramatic reading of it, so much fun really.
But yay so it got one or more character, I want to do. But right now I have started on
Aradia Megido
This pretty troll stole my heart in a way.
I like ram horns, and I am a Aries which is her sign on her shirt is.
So that is it.
So this is the t-shirt I bought for her and the paint job, is a bit bad and in wrong color so I gonna see if I can fix it some how.
Also need to cut it up in the middel like she has.

AAlso I did a test run on her horns, with I feel I need to redo them from scratch.
But they look nice a way.
Also I need to get a diadems and paste them on it some how I dont know how.
Oh well that will be when I come to that point really.

That is all I have to say now for you I am not dead yet, just almost XD
Have a great day or night depend on when you read this.

Monday, 6 April 2015

The familia of

Amaimon YAY (somthing i wanted to do sometime now)

Behemoth love the little one =D

That cutie look how cute he is >w< <3

Or the mini of him, but then again he shift size ya.
And as normal lack of process picture.

Fist my plan was to make a big one and "cute".
But that experiment went to hell and 2 hours wasted on that thing that is
looking like a frog and ugly.
Not near the form the little one should have sadly.
So back too the drawing board and make one small instead.
To see if I can work it out more or less for the better and see what I did wrong more or less.

And it got better this time I must say.
Keep it simple, if you don't know what you are doing really and I really need to learn that.
Stuffed animal are not my thing adnu more, and I don't need to make something complicated. 
And he is like a round ball at the body so jepp.
Also no pattern to follow so I just more or less cut out and hope it work XD
 That is what littel thin he became be for the eyes and the red stuff..

The eyes are hand sew so not the best but it work.

Yes the eyes are not line up perfectly I can probably fix that i hope.
Also I follow a manga art, but either way they are rather lots of different version on him so nothing is right or wrong really XD
He reminds me of digimon right now XD

So off too the bed and the hunt for some more stuff to this little one and 
I hope I get him finish rather soon.
Good bye for now =D

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Tama update

So yesterday I got my fabric I have been waiting for.
I mean, I did not have so much inspiration for the cosplay, just because I did not have all fabric at hand.

But now I do and I love the my red fabric.
I think it is just right for me in colour.

Also got lots of other fabric I will show you guys them later.
I may be only two off the other fabric that I got that, will go for cosplay purpose. But oh well fabric is like my life and I got alot for 1050 sek.

Oh well on to Tama a bit up date on how far I come.

 Test on her head bandana thing I may need to make it bigger.
Also you can see the wig I will be using not the right color but it will work for now.

Kimono pattern or line for the cut out more.
 Ready to go, under Kimono. It is smaller than usual for me when I make them.
Need to go after my bigger part of body and not chest size.
But I will have a skirt over it so it okej.
Also a apron over so it will work fine

All together that is done more or less.
So the black striped collar should be on and then some small changes on the arms and it will be done.
Then the skirt left to be done, and the head band =D
Also some small stuff to do on the apron.

See ya <3

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Undertaker under coat

or what the hell the pain in the ass jacket/coat/shirt thing it is.
So I put the lining in and it went somewhere wrong. The lining is too short but i will solve it in a way I think.
Don´t know how but I will.

So if anyone has a good awesome tutorial on lining a coat please tell me T^T
 Need it to see if I can solve the problem or not.
I think I have done so much wrong with this one that it is not even funny.

But on to other things.
I started with stuff I could do for my Gugure! Kokkuri-san Tama cosplay
Also order the fabric and maybe a new wig.
It depends on the fabric really.
Also choose a wine red colour on the fabric
I do not see my self to fit in the bright red colour that seem to be hers.
Or for me she has a darker red not wine red but near that then red.
So here is the apron the progress is slow as with everything else but it something ne?

The apron that is more off if it works it work XD
I have no clue what I am doing.
I think I lost my sewing skill somewhere, oh well you cant have the grove all the time ne?

That Tama girl so darn cute >w< <3
Bye Bye Kittens and Puppies

Monday, 12 January 2015

Guess what???

I started to sew yesterday on something I have wanted to do for so long time I can remember.
Also I have say I will do for 3 years now or more XD

So I started my journey by going down to my stored in the basement and got some fabric.
Little bit of black fabric was found and marine blue also was found, and see if I got something to use to my Tama cosplay.

Also I thought I got all the black fabric that I needed, or those I thought I bought for the ones I am doing now, under this time I wait for my paycheck comes.
Also I found my apron that is perfect to follow after to make hers and a bit of white fabric.

But oh no I did not.
So I got to go down there again and get the right ones and found more fabric I could use for Tama.

So now I can get my lazy as to do Undertaker
Yes I started to do him right now YAY *dance*

AS normal I don´t have many photos in progress.
When I work I just forgot to take them.

But first step for me is always drawing what I want it to look like.
Were I what the seams and all that jazz also to know how it will look.
Also to see i don't forget some details in the clothing.

I base off his under coat lots of none other the Professor Severus Snape from Harry Potter.
More for, I love that one also I kind of will be better looking on me and more fitting and it is needed.

I am not one of those people who can easily look good in straight simple looking clothing, they need to be fitted to my body to look good on me.

So now it is more like Snape's coats for so many levels.
As a secret I want to cosplay that man some day >w< I really like Snape.
So Undertaker is some kind of victim of experiment here in a way.

So Undertaker has lots of clothing.
First a white shirt under I believe, it is not confirmed really. But under that time the did have fake white starch collar and cuff, he could have that but I will use my Grell shirt under, as it do have the collar.
That was my plan from the beginning with that shirt to use them on both.
Still have somethings to figure out but atleast I started.
 Fabrick for both of his coats

 My patterns for the under coats
 And how it looks right now need to do some fixsing but I work well.
That is all for now.

Bye kittens and puppys