Thursday, 1 August 2013

Convention set

So my list is set for this fall conventions is

Harukacon 7 - 8 September Karlskrona
ConFusion 2013, Oct 25 - 27 Gotherburg, thinking of taking in to hotell.
Kultcon 2013, November 22 - 24 Huskvarna also thinking of hotell here.

So this are set also for next year are as it seem now, and I hope to god and other spirits that I can go to them. I will be very sad if I miss any of them.

Närcon Winter Linköping  20-23 Feb 2014 Hotell here if I can afford
Närcon Summer Linköping  24 juli 2014 till den 27 juli 2014 And hotell here will be a must.

So if you want to do a group cosplay and want me to join you tell me.
Do not matter what serier it is I will watch it or read it or whatever.
It is more fun if you are in a group really.

Or want to share a hotell talk to me and join me.
Or if you going to any of them tell me.

I think it was all from me now. Also I know this one hase been dead for some time but the practice place i have in Theatre take some of mine time. But soon I will have a bit off and can do cosplay stuff.