Friday, 19 September 2014

I am so sorry...

for this blogg to be more or less dead.
I have my life to blame a bit and then my laziness mostly my laziness.

Närcon was wonderful I was sharing a hotel room with Jäätynyt Enkeli and Sairu Chan
Ihave a great time there, meeting everyone and so on, it was so much happiness
and I am missing it all now T^T
minus the darn hot weather will say dont miss that at all.

So why I have been dead?

1. I have been moving to my own apartment YAY *dance*
Almost done with the moving.
So I will tell you this.
I work at a Theater with the house not as an actress or something like that, when we have show I sell stuff in the breaks.
Clean and other stuff that needs to be done.
Sometimes I sew stuff sometime I do other things.
But my work hours a different every week
I can work 12 hour one day and next 8 or more or less.
So my work takes my time and I can't go on so many cons I want.

Becures I can work on weekens too so I can´t plan cons.
When it is like June-Januari somethings like that con is a no no.
So I can more or less only plan cons for late Fabuari to maybe May around that time.
So ya my work is my life T^T </3

So Next con that is plan and I will attend is Närcon Winter 15
It is already set so come and join me then =D <3

So hope fully I will start with cosplay stuff.
I plan on maybe enter Närcon Winters cosplay competition if i find a character I want to do for it.
I have some idé for it so jepp.
Other then that I will start att some new cosplay like now =D
It is Clear from DRAMAtical Murder
Why? I like him and he has a Gas Mask >w<

The dude in white and also you see the gas mask so it is him =D

And that is me in my new mask or
old use military mask will say.

Real deal from British Army S10 Gas Mask.
Oh I love it so much it did took me some time to find the right one and cost me around 47£ so around 570 sek
Yes you could get cheaper and so on, like a Danish Gas mask.
But the looks is a bit different but they get the one you like that is all I will say.

So yay I can use one of my wigs now also for him so not so in need to by a new wig.
 I have wanting a gasmask for some time now so it is a good reason to get one also XD

Also I am planning on get my self in to lolita again.

I have miss it so much I bought a new dress last friday and got it today >w<
So that is me playing around a bit.

No makeup I am sorry for that but I did not want to put it on.

Also the mask is on >w< just for fun.
Also my dad told me to not scare old people and children with it XD
That is all from me now see ya all sometime soon I hope <3